Our products
Each individual and organisation has unique needs and is at a different stage in their journey to becoming trauma informed and skilled.
This is why we offer the flexibility to choose from our full Organisational Capability Programme, or just the elements you most need to enhance your existing support.
Access the training resources and/or person-centred support tools you need via TAG's online Trauma Resource Centre with a cost-effective subscription:
We can work with you to develop a bespoke approach to managing trauma suited to your unique needs.
Using TAG’s five key areas of focus as a starting point, our consultative approach can help you build capability assess current strengths and areas for development, and create a custom implementation plan.
Choose the tools, training and resources which best fit your needs, including Skilled Practice for managing trauma in individuals, eLearning to build understanding, Trauma Screening Toolkits, and use our support to decide when, where and how they will make the biggest impact.
Develop awareness and engagement with our training subscription that includes:
eLearning: Comprehensive, highly interactive and with specific modules for services supporting adults and for children and young people. These can be purchased through our eLearning Store or under a cost-effective organisational licence (contact us for more information).
Toolbox Training: Modules and resources that your in-house facilitators can use to apply the knowledge gained from the eLearning to your unique setting and needs. Our Trauma Informed Environment and Relational Modules help participants really think about their role, relationships and environment using self-assessment activities and discussions on improvement.
Access to professional help is important but often the people best placed to help someone in need are those present day to day. Our Practitioner Programme and Person-Centred Resources help you to develop local skills and support.
Practitioner Training: Develop local skills through our self-study and Practitioner Workshop. Complete an additional assignment to attain the Level 2 Qualification ‘Understanding and Responding to Psychological Trauma’
Trauma Screening and Recovery Toolkits: TAG Practitioners have access to the Trauma Resource Centre and permission to use our person-centred Trauma Screening and Recovery Toolkits. This simple to use toolkit helps identify individual support needs and practical helping strategies the whole team can adopt.